Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Day!

So, we got some more snow! I actually liked it... being stuck inside for a while is nice when it doesn't happen very often! Mya & I had a good two days. We played in the snow, made some Cookies & Cream Pudding, and played dress up!

These past 3 hours, Mya has been sick... she talked to her daddy on the phone and said "I spit in the potty and it make me hurt." :( So keep her in your prayers! We have had a bug traveling around and Mya seems to have caught it. Hopefully she will bounce back quickly! I have been on pins & needles!

When life gives you lemons

Make ...

Friday, January 29, 2010


My current desire for my future is this:

- Write books
- Home-School my kids
- Start an organization


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Might be something great!

I think I have a little bug... today I haven't left my bed. But in the meantime, I have been doing some research and thinking about this support group I would like to start. I think I have a name! With help of a good friend, Ashlynn Collier, we came up with "Returning Purity... & Restoring Hope." I was playing around with logos last night and today. It's very exciting!

About two weeks ago, I was praying and hoping I had the right motives and that God would show me this is in His will for me. I'm so scared of trying to do this alone for the wrong reasons and just asking God to bless it instead of making sure its coming directly from Him. So one day, this girl came into my work to ask about a job we had available, and she was actually one of the girls I had previously contacted about the group to ask if she would be interested, and after talking about the position, she asked me when I was going to start the group. She said that there were certain things I mentioned to her that she would like help with. And also, this past Sunday, we had a Pregnancy Crisis Center lady come to our church and talk to us about the center, and it put even more of a desire in my heart. I'm so excited about what God is doing in my life and it amazes me at the potential I have with His strength. :)

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Big 20!!

So, yesterday was my birthday! I am not a teen anymore. :( I am 20!! I celebrated with friends at Ceasars Italian Restaurant...

Sunday, January 10, 2010

My Best Bud.

Dear Mya,

Girlie girl, I love ya so much! You are amazing. You are so smart. You already know how to sing your ABC's and count to 10. Sometimes you miss the number 2, but thats okay! Right now, you are playing with your baby doll, and its just so funny how you talk to her like a little baby and you say the things that I say to you. You are asking her to be nice to you, and you are bouncing her around trying to get her to stop crying. It's so crazy and almost kinda scary on how much stuff you pick up on. It's such a blessing to have someone so sweet to look up to me. I hope that I am the best role model you could ever ask for. I have to apologize for lately getting agitated with you. I think you are going through this phase of just giving me a hard time. The past few nights it has taken so much out of me to kindly fight with you for an hour to get you to sleep, and I have to say that I have slipped a few times and maybe given you a spanking too much times, I just need to learn to have more patience when it comes to plucking my nerves. When I go to work, I just reflect on times I have had with you and I always feel so bad for not having patience and maybe trying to talk to you instead of just putting you straight to bed and getting mad when you don't want to go to bed. But there is also a part of me that doesn't want you to be a selfish person and wants you to understand that I am your mom and you need to listen to me. Its a hard thing to balance out a having soft heart towards giving you spankings and being hard on you and really wanting the best for you even though it doesn't seem like that to you. But I guess that's part of parenting and one day you will understand. I enjoy praying with you every night. I pray and you mumble to God, but I know He knows what you are saying. He knew what He was doing when He gave me a baby like you. And as I am typing this to you- you are holding your baby doll telling her "No, no, no... top it now. You want me to pop your hand? I said no! Top it!" See? You do hear me telling you to stop being a bad girl! Now that I have written you a book, I will let you go. I just wanna say that I love you and I'm so proud of you! You are such a joy!

Love, Mommy.

Proud Mommy!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Getting Excited!

I have been doing a lot of thinking...for the past week or so, I have been trying to think of a name for this support group that I would like to start! I just have so many ideas of what I want to do, and I have failed to really give thought to the name, which seems like the hardest part! I want it to have a meaning and be cute at the same time. I have sent a message to a few girls that I know and asked if they were interested and I have had a good turn out! I'm so excited. :)

Since the beginning of this month, I have wanted to post this: My New Year's Resolutions. I just haven't gotten around to it... so here goes!

1- Stop spending so much money
2- Become someone who others can look up to & be a light for Christ
3- Grow closer to God & have a personal intimate relationship with Him
4- Start helping people more & put others first

I could come up with a few more, but those are my main ones!

And, for a "Mya Moment"... today while we were at the store, Mya picked up a calculator that she wanted and started talking it on like a cell phone. She was talking to her daddy and to Grandma. Then she says "Hello Hanna Tanna" (Mya language= Hannah Montana).

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year Folks!

I feel like I haven't posted in a while, but maybe that attests to the "single mommy lifestyle." Very busy! But in the meantime, I have made a video of Mya and I's 2009 Memories! It's a bit lengthy but hope you enjoy!

Thanks to all our friends and family who have made this year amazing for both of us!!