This week, my "testimony" is about getting saved for the first time.
It was when I was 13 years old, in 7th grade. It was at a place called "Winterfest" where tons of teens come together for 3 days and have several services with amazing singers and preachers. It was Friday night, February 7th. "Angus Dei" was playing and I remember just feeling numb. Everyone around had their hands up and they were worshiping God. I don't even remember what the service was about, I just remember that moment.
Later that night, once we got back into the hotel after the service, I was talking with the girls in my room. Somehow we came on the subject of getting saved. I explained to them that I felt different, like really happy. I had never heard about "being saved." I didn't really understand what happened, I just knew that something was different about me. I felt like I could just run around and around and scream about how wonderful and free I felt. They got excited and exclaimed to me that I had been saved!

Anyone that has ever been saved knows there is no feeling like that, and I don't think I have ever felt that way since. (Don't know if that is good or bad) But before being "saved," I felt lost. I was in middle school and that is some hard years! Especially for a girl! The year before that, I didn't have many friends in school and I was more of a loner.
Since this is getting a little lengthy, next week I will share how what life was like after that :)
So come back!
John 3:16 “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life.
For more information about getting saved if you are not, talk to me!! :)
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