In anticipation for going school, I realized that I need to SAVE as much money as I can! Granted, I have never had much to start with, but I really need to buckle down. So, as a way of holding onto commitment (or trying), I am going to share with you my plan. Not giving too many details of course!

My new budget:
Car Payment
Phone & Internet
Savings Account
Mya's Savings Account
GAS (probably the biggest- from driving an hour to work everyday!)
So- left over from this each week is about $30. This goes to anything that I want for myself which includes food, clothes, and more food. (Can you believe how much buying food is such a waste?? You have nothing to show for it, but FAT!) And needless to say, this is actually a hard number to live by for a week. I have already spent everything but $10 of this week's spending allowance and I wanted to invest that for new shoes. :( BUT! It could be worse. At least I have some, just a little bit, but its something. So thank you Jesus!
And about school, I took my ACT this past Saturday and it was HARD!!! Wow, I have to say I will be surprised if I did well. Lots of guessing! That's what you get for not getting it taken care of when it's fresh in your brain!
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