So, I have had some extra time on my hands being out of school and was thinking of starting a new blog! I made the blog, decorated it the way I liked and even posted once... but then I was looking through this blog, and thought "why don't I just add to the blog I already have?" Well for one thing, I tend to be a little cry baby at times on here. But I do like how I can go back to 2009 and see pictures of Mya! So please excuse my random pity parties. :) I'm not promising to post all the time, but since I have started taking pictures for friends and family, I wanted to have a place to talk about them! And also add a few personal tid bits here and there.
As an update for those who read a few posts back, I was at Liberty University and I was having a bit of a hard time. Since then, I have moved back home and we are living with our family again. I loved being at Liberty, and I miss it often! But I know that it's best for us to be home with family who will support and help us. I am still going to Liberty University Online and now work full time at Franklin Federal.
Life is good! :) I look forward to sharing a little of it with you!