Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year Jingle

Reflection is good & looking back on 2011, there are a few things I would like to change in this upcoming year. Help me stay accountable!

2012 Do’s
• Have a favorite TV show you are dedicated to. (Bc I NEVER watch TV) • Buy at least 1 new NICE lens • Be able to run a 10K.• Save more money this year than any other year / continue "envelope budgeting" • No types of debt. Credit card, student loans, etc. • Do something you have never done before.

2012 Do Not’s
• Worry about a husband, boyfriend, etc. • Overwork yourself. (Tell people NO!) • Get bad grades! • Make excuses for waking up early to study, exercise, etc. • Stress over this list

Friday, December 23, 2011

New Blog?

So, I have had some extra time on my hands being out of school and was thinking of starting a new blog! I made the blog, decorated it the way I liked and even posted once... but then I was looking through this blog, and thought "why don't I just add to the blog I already have?" Well for one thing, I tend to be a little cry baby at times on here. But I do like how I can go back to 2009 and see pictures of Mya! So please excuse my random pity parties. :) I'm not promising to post all the time, but since I have started taking pictures for friends and family, I wanted to have a place to talk about them! And also add a few personal tid bits here and there.

As an update for those who read a few posts back, I was at Liberty University and I was having a bit of a hard time. Since then, I have moved back home and we are living with our family again. I loved being at Liberty, and I miss it often! But I know that it's best for us to be home with family who will support and help us. I am still going to Liberty University Online and now work full time at Franklin Federal.

Life is good! :) I look forward to sharing a little of it with you!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Growing Pains.

This past week I've been in a funk. Even as I write this, I'm holding back tears. But the funny thing is, I can't put my finger on exactly why. I have started and stopped this blog post about 5 times. I'm honestly not a cry baby, but most of my posts go that direction. So I apologize ahead for my pity party...

Coming to Liberty, my expectations were so high. I had it in my
mind that everything was just going to come together with little effort. Bills pay themselves, homework be swift, new friends knock on my door... crazy, right? I'm not really sure what I was thinking, but reality has knocked me down quite a bit.

Normally I balance my bank account almost every day but since I have been here, I rarely ever do it. Last week, I did it. And that same night, in my sleep, I was begging God for help. I woke up doing the same thing. I came to the conclusion that I have no clue how I will be able to finish 3 years of this. And although I never wanted to even think this, I have contemplated moving back home. I want to be at Liberty. I want to feel like I'm doing something with my life and be an example for other young moms. I want to show people that I'm capable even with a kid. Maybe it's my pride that's hurting... or maybe this is just a big test God has given me and I'm not doing so well.

At home, I have more support than I could ask for, I don't worry about finances and I know Mya has people surrounding her that genuinely love her. Even last week, I had to get Mya from daycare because she had pink eye. I took her to my mom so I wouldn't miss more school and because I couldn't do it on my own. Although I have been a "single mom", I haven't really been a single mom until I moved here. I feel the pressure of responsibility and time management.

When I talk to people about this, they come back with the question, "Well, what do you think God wants you to do?" And my answer is, "I know God isn't calling me to comfort." I knew coming here that it would be hard. And that I would have to grow so much closer to God in my faith and trusting in Him. God hasn't told me to stay but He also hasn't told me to go. So maybe this is just growing pains...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Best Roommate Ever!

You'll never guess who it is!

MYA of course!

Besides following me around mimicking everything I say while I'm on the phone... she helps me keep sane! Today, I was folding clothes and she helped me put them away and she loves to help with dinner! Earlier I asked her to turn off the light in the bathroom and she went in there and said, "Alright...Mom... what do I need to do?" She's so willing!

She keeps fun in the house too. She makes me sit down with her and watch movies and play games... which keeps my mood light and my attention on other things than the stresses of life!

Believe it or not, she is taking the move a lot better than I am! She is doing great and I'm so proud of her!

Tonight,I am taking her to Campus Church! I'm so excited but nervous at the same time! Hopefully she will do good!! :)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Expected but not welcome.

This marks the third week of being in Lynchburg! Almost made it through a month!

The homework, adjusting and responsibility are all hitting me a little but not as hard as my financial management. I have has this way of thinking that it doesn't matter if I spend here and there because I have a paycheck coming, so I will be okay. Well, now that's not the case! I was hoping, for the sake of time with Mya and my homework that I would be able to make it without worrying about a job, but oh how I was wrong!! I have done some budgeting and I'm coming up a little short. Sooo... being the control freak that I am, I am just a little stressed about remaining financially stable. I do hate worrying about money, and I feel like I am hurting Mya in a way. I know she is only 3 so she doesn't really notice, but there are so many cute clothes and nice toys I would love to get her.

I know God has a reason for me being at Liberty and I am LOVING it. I am really enjoying all my classes and the people there are awesome. So I just have to stay encouraged!

Just a little something on my heart. :)

P.S. I have really been wanting a new hobby lately! Been thinking about writing a book. Wouldn't that be different?

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Mya's First week in Lynchburg!

Mya has been such a trooper this past week! She loves her new daycare. It's a smaller daycare so, they only have about 8 kids altogether (which I love). Tuesday, her second day, her teacher told me that Mya acts like she has been here forever. She said she is doing SO well. Everyday that we leave, all the kids run up and cover Mya with "goodbyes" and kisses! It's really cute!

We are slowly learning the rules of the house. As I become more comfortable with all the responsibility, she is testing her boundaries for sure! I am a neat freak so I have learned patience with the fact that she IS 3 years old, and she is going to make a mess. But she also has done a good job cleaning up!

Everyday this week, literally, we have watched "The Chronicles of Narnia." To my favor, its a longer movie, so I can get some homework done. She is really sweet about me doing my homework. As long as I sit on the couch with her, I can do my homework. It's worked so far!

Last night, she had a little runny nose, and didn't sleep too well. But today she has been running around like her usual self. :)

Yesterday we had our first snow in Lynchburg and here she is admiring it from our apartment window!

Her most famous sayings this week:
  • After singing the "Dora the Explorer" song, she says, "I want to call Dora, do you have her number?"
  • Randomly says "Cabs are here."
  • She puts some big sunglasses on and I told her she looked like a bug and she said, "I don't look like a bug! Do bugs have glasses? No."

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tis the Day!

So this is the day I have been anticipating for about 10 months! I am finally at Liberty University in my own apartment and just finished my first day of classes! With the help of a few good friends, I moved my stuff here last two Saturdays ago and just this past Friday, I myself moved in. I still don't have everything unpacked. I will be sure to post up to date pictures once we get everything together! That is definitely the most exciting part for me- decorating my apartment! The week before I got here, I literally would wake up just thinking about what I wanted to do to my living room or what else I needed. On Friday, I had orientation and it was such a good day for me! I was so nervous about finding where I was supposed to go and getting all the last minute runs done. But I did it! Orientation went great! I met a few people there. Everyone is so friendly! Just walking down the sidewalk, I had someone stop me to ask where I was from and make small talk. Then all weekend, I had visitors. My mom helped me with some groceries and then my sister and her friend came to spend some time with me. And today, I got a taste of how heavy college work really is. I have 4 classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and 1 online. During my 4th class today, I started tearing up because I was so discouraged. I couldn't even wrap my mind around how much I had to do when I got home. But I just have to stay encouraged and on top of things and I'll be just fine! A great friend of mine reminds me that God didn't bring me here just to drop me off. He will take care of me :)

Tonight, I made my first home-made dinner! And believe it or not, it was good!! I was so proud :)

I will be sure to keep updating about school!!