Monday, May 31, 2010
Memorial Day Show
Today we had a very good day! Me, Mya and my sister Lillie went to "Lake Anna State Park." I have never been there before but they have a little beach area and a playground with lots of land for picnics. After that we had a cook-out with my family at my house. Although I'm disappointed I didn't get much sun, it was a great success! Enjoy our video.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Sick Day :(
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Still High Hopes
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Trying not to beg!
So I was talking to my aunt today about my schooling and getting on with my life and it came up that I should try to go off to college. At first, I just brushed it off because I thought NO WAY with a baby!! Buuuttt... I think my hopes have gone a flying! I am super interested in going to Liberty University in the fall and yes, taking Mya with me. This sounds so scary and so crazy, but I need a new and fresh start. I need to get on with life and get my schooling going! This staying with my grandparents and doing part time school is getting old... I'm not getting anywhere :( So needless to say, I feel like getting on my hands and knees and BEGGING God to let this work out! I would be so appreciative and so uncontrollably happy if it did. I want to be a sort of normal 20 year old and meet new people! PLEEEEASE pray for me and just pray that financially it will all come together because that's the only thing holding me back. I will keep you updated FOR SURE! Ah!
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Mothers Day Fret
Today was such a good day! We went to church of course and afterwards, we went to a camp site with some of my family & church friends. It was awesome :) We went bike riding and flew kites, played on the playground and had lots of good food.
As I was driving home, I kept thinking of how I wish I could do this for Mya all the time. I always want to go places and give her experiences but its just me & her. I know that shouldn't hold me back... but if I wanted to go to the beach for a week, I couldn't just go with the two of us? It's probably just me being really hard on myself, but I hate that she misses out. Like the fact that she doesn't have her own room or that we don't have our own little family we can go bike rides on. But I guess I should make the best of it and realize that our back yard picnics and bike rides in the driveway is good enough. I just worry too much! But that's motherhood, right?
I just hope and pray that God has someone amazing for me & Mya both that will fill in that little gap. One day! Pretty please God... with sugar on top!! :)

Thursday, May 6, 2010
Long time gone.
Hey friends! I haven't updated in a little over a week and I apologize! I have been a little less motivated although I have made a list of posts I would like to publish. My list consists of: "Not me mentality. Pride," "Video of goals," and "Hairy Knees." So... if I stick to my little notes, I will eventually update on these things!
This past Tuesday was my last day of school and I already feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders! I came home today around 3 (after taking Mya to the doctor for a pink eye and ear infection) and spent time with my family. I loved it and almost felt guilty because I never have this time. My schedule during school is summed up in one word- overwhelming! And now I can breath!!! :)
Tomorrow is my Grand-Opening for my new Jewelry hobby! I'm very excited and I hope it goes well! Wish me luck!
Mya Moment for the day: She was sitting here talking on her play cell phone to Hannah Montana and she says, "HEY! Hannah Tanna! You are not the best of both worlds!" I thought that was too funny!
Quick Idea: I am thinking about doing a "Testimony Tuesday" and do random little testimonies every now and then! Now EVERY Tuesday but a few :)
And alsoooo- I have been going to the gym for about 2 or 3 months now, and I am starting to tell a difference. I have lost about 4 pounds but I feel like I am toning up. I'm very excited! My current weight is 125 and I would love to get either under or around 120. Not too bad!
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