I have been doing a lot of thinking...for the past week or so, I have been trying to think of a name for this support group that I would like to start! I just have so many ideas of what I want to do, and I have failed to really give thought to the name, which seems like the hardest part! I want it to have a meaning and be cute at the same time. I have sent a message to a few girls that I know and asked if they were interested and I have had a good turn out! I'm so excited. :)
Since the beginning of this month, I have wanted to post this: My New Year's Resolutions. I just haven't gotten around to it... so here goes!
1- Stop spending so much money
2- Become someone who others can look up to & be a light for Christ
3- Grow closer to God & have a personal intimate relationship with Him
4- Start helping people more & put others first
I could come up with a few more, but those are my main ones!

And, for a "Mya Moment"... today while we were at the store, Mya picked up a calculator that she wanted and started talking it on like a cell phone. She was talking to her daddy and to Grandma. Then she says "Hello Hanna Tanna" (Mya language= Hannah Montana).